Monday, April 1, 2013

April Adventures

“What are you doing in April?” Mum asks me. “Are you going to do that Blogging from A to Z challenge that you were telling me about?”

“Of course!”  I say. It sounds like a great idea. How could I miss out on it? Even though it’s the day before the challenge starts and I don’t have any subjects, no theme, and no clue if I’d be able to write 26 blog posts in a month, not to mention the fact that I haven’t even signed up yet, it sounds like a great adventure. There’s no way I’m not going to give it a try.

“But I thought you were doing Camp NaNoWriMo with me in April,” my younger sister Charlotte says. “Are you still going to do that if you do this blogging challenge?”

“Yes, I’m definitely still going to do Camp NaNoWriMo,” I say. I suppose I will be doing them both. There’s no way I’m going to miss out on Camp NaNoWriMo. I have a fantastic science fiction novel actually planned out, and I’m itching to get started.

“But how will you have time?” Mum asks. “You have your uni work, your music to practice. You have to keep up your running. How are you going to fit all of these things into your day?”

And that’s when I stop and think about this. What have I done? I’ve gotten myself mixed up in a whole bunch of challenges. Camp NaNoWriMo with its daily word count. A-Z Blogging challenge, with its daily post. Uni work with its daily work load. Daily music practice. Such a lot of challenges and adventures. How will I ever manage to keep up with them all?

Whoops. April wasn’t meant to be this busy. I suppose at this point I should be feeling overwhelmed, or sorry that I’ve gotten myself into such a lot of work. Maybe half way through the month, when I can’t think of what next to write in my novel, when I’ve run out of ideas for blog posts, and when the work is piling up, maybe then I’ll feel that I’ve got too much on my plate. But for now, I just feel excited.

April is the Month of Adventures it seems. So many exciting things to do this month. And I can’t wait.


  1. Good luck with your writing, Immy. Adventure seems like the perfect word to start off the month. I hope you have a lot of fun with it:-) xxx

    1. Thanks! This month really is full of adventures. I'm not sure getting myself involved in so many different things was a wise idea, but then, when have I ever been very wise? I'm sure to have fun with it though.

  2. I've signed up to a heap of things this year (various music things and stuff like that) and I, too, have found myself thinking 'what am I doing? That's too much stuff!'

    But, I find it worth it at the end of every day :)

    Have fun!

    1. It is definitely worth it, isn't it Helena? It really is hard work, but I'm enjoying it a lot, and so far I'm still glad that I signed up with all this stuff.

  3. Hi Imogen! Sometimes I find that the more I have to do, the more I accomplish. Your schedule does sound full, but I'm sure you will do just fine! Enjoy the A to Z!!

    1. Hi Frances. Thanks for coming to visit me. It's very true that the more we have the do, the ore we accomplish. And so far I'm getting a lot done. Enjoy the A-Z and I'm sure I'll see you around the blogosphere.

  4. Find a way to work the two together! You can do it.

    1. I'm managing so far. Here's hoping I can manage it for the rest of the month.

  5. Well, here's to hoping you don't run out of gas before the month is up! Somehow though, I think you'll do fine. You're just awesome like that. :)

    1. Thanks! I'll do my best not to run out of gas. It would be a terrible thing to fail at one of these two things.

  6. Wow. that is a lot of work but I am sure you can do all of that.
    It sounds like you are really excited and it really sounds good!
    Have a lot of fun writing and posting Blogposts!

    1. Thanks Autschi. I am really excited. I'm having a lot of fun writing my novel and the blogposts. i hope you're going ok with Camp NaNoWriMo too.

  7. I'm with you in the challenge and just wanted to say hi and good luck.

    1. Hi Maggie and thanks for your visit. Good luck with the A-Z Challenge.
