I am not a list person, much as I would like to be. To be face with a long list of things to do is a rather daunting prospect for me. And, while calendars help keep appointments and lessons organised, I really needed some way to keep the rest of my life organised too.
What I needed was something that reminded me what to do, without scaring me like a list. It had to be brightly coloured. It had to be interesting. It had to catch my imagination. And, most of all, it had to be easy to use.
It sounded like an impossible task. But after taking a trip to the stationary section, I soon found the perfect solution. It was brightly coloured, came in many different shapes, was so easy to use, and I loved it.
My solution? Post-it Notes.

They soon covered my wall, reminding me of things to do, things to buy, and things to remember to bring. And they worked! I didn’t forget things half so often. And they were so awesome looking too.
Since I first used Post-it Notes I have become hooked. My family know that one of the best presents they can give me is a pack of these colourful notes. I have so many of them floating around my desk, waiting for me to write a task on them and add them to my collection on the wall.
So, I may not use lists, but I am still organised. It’s organisation, Post-it Note style.
How do you stay organised? Do you use lists? Post-it notes? Or do you have a different method?