This page contains links to all the posts I have written about and during the NaNoWriMo events. Further down you will find records of events past and present that I have participated in.
November 2012
On NaNoWriMo and Second Drafts
Why NaNoWriMo is Making Me More Productive
Outlining to November
Camp NaNoWriMo
August 2012
Camping Again
Camp NaNoWriMo
June 2012
Camp NaNoWriMo
Shiny New Projects
Camp NaNoWriMo Art
Preparing for Writer's Camp
Camp NaNoWriMo Begins
Writing with Friends
Returning from Camp NaNoWriMo
Script Frenzy
April 2012
November 2011
These are the records of NaNoWriMo events past and present that I have participated in.
November 2012
Current Word Count: 300,003
The Galactic Bus Trip
Violin Magic
The Jewels of Venice (novella)
The Astolat Diaries
Camp NaNoWriMo
August 2012
Overall Word Count: 123 539
Song of Living, Song of Love
June 2012
Current Word Count: 179 967
Song of Healing, Song of Hope
April 2012
Overall Page Count: 140
Magic and Minstrels (a musical)
The Fr Brown Mysteries (a TV series)
November 2011
Overall Word Count: 100127
The DARE Squad
The Portal