Charlotte with her new glasses
One trip later, and Charlotte's glasses were ordered. Now perfect sight was just a few days away. If she could last that long...
"Our rice pudding has a stick in it," Gemma-Rose declared one night, talking about a stick of cinnamon.
"Oh, I want a stick of celery in my pudding," Charlotte cried enthusiastically.
Everyone stared at her. Celery? Since when had we ever put celery in our rice puddings?
"Let's hope your glasses make you more intelligent," I said. "At least you'll look more intelligent with them on."

Charlotte without her new glasses
And so on for the rest of the week. Her favourite excuse became, "Oh, I'm blind as a bat you know. I couldn't possibly see that."
Today, another trip to the optometrist resulted in a brand new Charlotte. New, snazzy glasses adorned her nose with, "special glass to cut down on glare." A brand new, red glasses case came with the glasses, "because red ones go faster."
Has her glasses made her more intelligent? Well, I'm sorry to say she's still going round making random comments about celery. I suppose she'll just have to be the nutty professor instead of the intelligent individual. I can live with that.
This post was written with much encouragement and full permission by Charlotte herself.